
Opal Mann Green Engagement and Scholarship Award

In 2013, the Center was honored wtih the Opal Mann Green Engagement and Scholarship Award, which recognizes the contributions of the center and its partners to supporting safe, healthy, and productive families and communities and to generating societally relevant scholarship.

From Left to Right
Back Row: Kara Allen-Eckard (NCSU), Stacy Comey (NCSU), Dr. Joan Pennell (NCSU), Gail Cormier (NC Families United), Nancy Carter (Independent Living Resources), and Marianne Latz (NCSU)
Front Row: Jenny King (NCSU), Chaney Stokes (NCSU and SaySo), Margaret Heil (NCSU, representing Joanne Scaturro of NC Division of Social Services), and Lana Dial (NC Standing Committee on Indian Child Welfare)

Center Director, Dr. Joan Pennell is Highlighted in the "Meet the Researchers" Series

Meet our Center Director and NC State Professor Dr. Joan Pennell, who is featured in one of five new videos released by CHASS highlighting faculty research. Each is produced by undergraduates in the Department of Communication's Advanced Video Production class, taught by Jim Alchediak.

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